What is “RED Light Therapy” and why is it good news for you?
- Relieve muscle pain
- Relieve joint pain and stiffness
- Relieve arthritic pain
- Reduce muscle spasms
- Improve local blood circulation
Harness the power of light. The LightStim LED bed surrounds your entire body with red (630, 660 nm) and infrared (855, 940 nm) LED light.
The nearest LightStim bed with this powerful, patented 4-wavelength technology is in Beverly Hills – and we’re super excited to offer the very same healing technology to you, here in Santa Maria!
The benefits of treatment are extensive, and can include:
- Decrease inflammation
- Increase natural body fuel for energy production
- Increase collagen production
- Boost mitochondrial function
- Rejuvenate your skin
- Accelerate wound healing and muscle recovery
- Increase natural production of nitric oxide, the Nobel Prize winning “miracle molecule” that protects against cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, and reduces the buildup of lactic acid in the body.
… all in a 40-minute session.
LED light therapy is a non-invasive and natural treatment with over 200 medical and university studies showing no negative side effects.
Like photosynthesis, whereby plants absorb and convert sunlight into energy they can use to grow and thrive, human skin and deeper tissues work in the same way to absorb therapeutic light emitted by LEDs and use it as a source of energy to stimulate the body’s natural restorative processes.
This NASA-invented technology is being used by medspas for wrinkle reduction, chiropractors to decrease pain, plastic surgeons for aesthetics and surgery recovery, and biohackers for people who want to live as long as possible as healthy as possible.
LED Light Therapy as “Biohack” to heal and feel amazing
One of these people is Dave Asprey, the inventor of biohacking (somebody who uses science and technology to make their body function better and more efficiently – to enhance longevity, wellness, and performance in all areas of life). His multimillion-dollar lab facility, Upgrade Labs, uses this EXACT LED Therapy Bed that we have here in our Santa Maria office.
Here’s what he has to say about our LED Light Bed:
Click Here: Why We're Excited About This Technology
We found this technology, like many people do, for its benefits in healing skin and reducing wrinkles. My wife, Rachael, bought a small hand held Light Therapy unit to help reduce wrinkles (because it speeds the growth of collagen in your tissues!)… but we’ve been shining it on our aches, torn muscles, stiff joints… and it’s amazing!
Rachael now has an experience where the Light Therapy took her ankle swelling immediately down 75% when icing hadn’t. Also she could move her ankle again afterwards without hurting.
She used the Light Therapy on it for 3 days and it went away and was back to normal… and for her plantar fasciitis, using the Light Therapy after walking/jogging in sand takes away any discomfort or flare-ups too.
But as we did the research, we saw that just a small panel wasn’t enough.
Too wimpy.
We found an entire LightStim BED, that creates systemic benefits in the body, not just a single joint feeling better! This type of Light Therapy has also been shown to decrease high blood pressure, heal postoperative wounds, improve immunity, speed workout recovery and improve mood.
So, um, we bought one.
We did a TON of research about which Light Therapy device was best for our patients, which gave the best results, was backed up by scientific research, etc.
So to keep it brief, we’ve purchased what’s called a LightStim Bed and are offering 40-minute sessions to the general public and of course our existing clients!
So YOU and your loved ones can try it yourself: we will be offering a “first-time trial offer rate” (see below) for people interested in experiencing it themselves (general public welcome)!
If you already know this is something you’d like to try, and want to make SURE you get to feel the benefits of this new technology yourself:
- Call us to book it with a credit card on the phone at 805-934-0663, or…
- Message us back (use the blue “Chat” or “Leave a Message” bubble below right) and we’ll get back to you during business hours.
Sessions are 40 min, scheduled on the hour, by appointment and pre-payment over the phone.
1.) You’ll spend the first 20 min relaxing/napping on your back (with the light soothing the back side of your body), with a separate mobile panel shining light on a targeted area of your choice on the front side of your body – we recommend the face.
2.) After 20 min. the unit will beep and you’ll flip over on your tummy, nestling your face in the cushy massage face cradle. Then you will enjoy another 20 min. for the front side of your body. The temperature feels like snuggling up to a warm cup of tea!
These services are not covered by insurance – this is for people who know how important it is to invest in themselves for their well-being and future of their health.
FYI the nearest LightStim bed is in LA or the Bay Area, and it goes for $300/ 40 min.session. Our regular price will be $150/ 40 min. session BUT look at the package prices below for discounts.
LightStim price packages:
1) First 4 LightStim sessions (first-time customers only) just $300: 4 times less than getting it in LA!
- These 4 sessions give your body a “boost” to activate your cells, release Nitric Oxide in your system, which increased blood flow, decreased muscle tension, decreases muscle pain, joint pain and arthritis pain.
- After the 4 initial sessions, you will decide if this is something that feels good to your body. Everyone is different, but 90% of people who do the first 4 sessions go on to purchase a 10-pack of sessions because they feel so good.
2) Initial 10-Pack Discount: 10 sessions for $800 (one time only)
3) Permanent 10-Pack Discount: 10 sessions for $900.
4) Single session price: $150.
So again, if you’re interested in booking:
Call us and book it with a credit card on the phone: 805-934-0663, M-F 9-5 pm, off for lunch at 12-1 (when our receptionist is at the phone)
And if you have more questions, MAKE OUR DAY and message us back with the blue chat message below and we can chat over email or phone. We LOVE nerding-out about this device. It’s amazing. we will send you the PDF brochure for the bed too.
LightStim LED Bed in the media: